Friday, October 31, 2008

Yesterday I voted

I take great pride in the fact that I am able to vote, so much so, that I decided to go to the registrar's office to cast my ballot early. I review all of the propositions, and candidates (at least the ones that I care about) and choose very carefully. When I do it, I feel like I honor those who fought, marched and died for the rights of all to vote. I also watch other nations whose citizens don't have the ability to make decisions about their government and are subjected to malicious dictators, and I am in awe that some don't care about this. I hear so many excuses for not voting: it doesn't matter, it doesn't really count, etc. These are all lies that some want you to believe so that you are apathetic, so politicians can continue to push through their own agendas, and that power can continue to shift in one direction without you believing you can control this. When you stop voting, THEY will stop caring about you.

I know this is a rant, but there are a few things that I'm passionate about: my faith, my family, voting, education, personal responsibility and accountability, and a few others.

Normally, I'm private about who I voted for, but this time I say with pride that I casted my ballot for Obama. It was an emotional event for me. Of course, there are a number of people who believe that I would vote for him because he's a black man, but I find it ironic that I've voted for people of all of ethnicities, both male and female, and no one questioned my motivation for casting those votes as being racially motivated. I can't say that I always vote the party line, as I have some views that each party champions. But, this is first time in my voting years that I've ever felt like there is a man of God, who represents our interests, who's genuine, with lots of character and charisma running for office. I also understand the significance of the fact that we could finally crush the racial barrier and send a message to the world, that anyone can achieve what they put their mind to.

In addition to breaking through the glass ceiling, it will also bring about a healing to a number of people of color who have lived through segregation, who have experienced or witnessed discrimination, and who will be able to gain a sense of pride in the fact that more things seem possible. And, it will also remove the excuse from some of those who use self-fulfilling prophecies to to justify their ignorant behavior or to remain in their condition, and to criticize those who are trying to better themselves by saying they are trying to be something they are not. I'm glad I didn't accept other's opinions of my capabilities, and know that I have excelled and exceeded in areas even I didn't know were possible.

When times are bad, there are a few scriptures that come to mind that comfort me. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." Isn't that amazing?!

So, the next time you are considering 'hating' on someone with a dream or ambition, just think that you may be responsible for blocking the blessings that God may have in store for him or her. Don't tell someone that what they want is impossible, just simply encourage them to create a plan to get there, get as much information and education as they can, and find a support system to help him/her.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. Oh yeah, and if you want to see a little glance of me at the registrar's office yesterday, click on the link below. It was shown on News 10 in Sac.
Voting Surge Could Delay Election Results

By the way, I don't care who or what you vote for, I just care that you vote. So, please do not sit on the side lines on election day.

God Bless you,


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just Lindsey

Lindsey at various moments from Christmas 2007 to October 2008. Here is her own personal blog:
Hi.I`m Lindsey.Here is a little bit about me . I`m good at tons of things.Like ,knowing how to find somthing I lost,and getting Beaver Achievers,but that`s just me. The way I find the thing I lost is, I think, if I were the thing and someone lost me, were would they probaly have put me?
Thanks for comimg to the Sac Jacksons!


Girls in Philly

These were taken in NYC at the Junie B. Jones play that I took the girls too, and at the Brooklyn Promenade. Then we went to historic Philadelphia to see Constitution Hall, the Liberty Bell and the mall area of the place where many of America's founding fathers walked. Amazing learning experience. Kiki had a GREAT time. She was the perfect age for this type of trip.

NYC Mar/April 2008

Here we are at the Empire State Building, in Central Park on a carriage ride, at the Brooklyn Promenade which has the most spectacular views of the city, on the Staten Island ferry (you can faintly see the Statue of Liberty behind them, but it was really foggy that day) and the girls at Princeton University in Princeton, NJ with their mascot

Girls in trees

Oct 2008

Random pictures of the kids

If you haven't figured it out by now, I love my kids! They are the best gift that God could have ever given to me, and I feel so blessed to have each of them. I could go on, and on, but I think you get the picture. My kids + my husband + my family & friend = my heart.

Girls in wedding dress

My favorites are the first one (top left) for Lindsey and the first one of Erin (below)
In September 2008, I let the kids watch our wedding video. Of course, they thought that they were there, and kept saying "Where am I?" They just didn't want to believe that they weren't at the wedding. Then, afterwards, they got to put on my dress. How adorable, isn't it?

Girls in pool with clothes on

I told Lindsey that if she said 'no' to me one more time, that I'd throw her into the pool with her clothes on (we were joking around). So, then I said to her, "Will you say 'no' to me again?" and of course she said, "No", before she realized that she actually said 'no'. So, I took her to the pool, and she was laughing all the way, until I pushed her in. She was FURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took great delight in seeing the disbelief in her face when I actually pushed her in. She thought I ruined her princess nightgown. Then, I told her that it was just water, and then she was fine. After that, I pushed Erin in, and they laughed hysterically for a long time. Then, they swam for about 2 hours in their clothes. I joined them, with shorts and a tank top. Now, they would like to have at least one day per year to swim with their clothes on. They thought it was such a treat.

Erin on zip line

Daddy swinging thru trees

Kelvin had to really fight the urge to scream like a litte girl. He knew I would take great pleasure in that, but his reaction was still funny and scared me enough to decide I wasn't going on it.

Joseph on Tarzan swing

Here's another video of Joseph on the swing. Boy, that kid is brave!! He went up 55 feet.

Erin on Tarzan swing at the Treehouses

Here is some video of our trip.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Beautiful Shadows

If you can catch the sun just right, you can see some of the most beautiful silohettes you've ever seen. I wish I had grabbed my camera just moments before, but I really enjoyed watching my children playing with each other, but just watching their shadows. Finally I grabbed my camera, maybe 5 minutes too late to show you exactly what I saw, but this helped to capture those memories.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Live, Live Too Fly Xi Kappa Chapter Reunion Oct 2008

It was our chapter's 18th anniversary, for the lovely ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and they organized a reunion. I didn't think I could pull it off at first, but I went for one of three days. It was a little awkward and fun, all at the same time.

I really didn't have a full Zeta experience while I was in school since I pledged in my last semester, right after our chapter came off of suspension. There were only two active members on campus, Ange Richardson and Deanne Moore, my dean. So, I was the Ace!! Well, originally there were two of us, Leilani Johnson, but Leilani decided to come through a little later, so she was Spring 1993.

At the reunion, I wanted to bounce between being a spectator and a participant. Most of the ladies had 'sands' and shared experiences, so I really just got to listen and had a virtual experience through them. I really enjoyed it. My favorite part was meeting the sorors who started our chapter. I definitely felt the Zeta love from them that I remembered experiencing back in NYC. I could listen to them all day, like I do when I'm around the older people in my family rememinsing about the old times. It was a great feeling.

It was fun to remember being an Archonian, AC #1, some of the road trips, that I was the Lambda Line, to meet the names of the ladies that I was required to memorize who came before us, to sing our song, and to see that the chapter has been revitalized by the phenomenal young ladies on campus, and to enjoy promoting an organization who I loved.

Thanks Deanne, "Big Sister Wicked"--you were a fantastic host and look so darn cute with your new all natural do. One day I will get the courage to do it. It's really me who's hesistant. I think I'll look like our soror, Esther Rolle, if I do it. My husband thinks I would look cute, but that's what he's supposed to say. Thanks for helping me to remember things that I had long forgotten, and for the encouragement to become active again. I'll continue to search my heart to see if I want to do it. But, it stays in my mind. I'm glad we reconnected.

Lorena Denise Jackson, Karen Deal, Angela (my fellow HR professional who just got promoted!!), Glenda, and everyone else--I am glad that you and I had time away from the crowd to chat and get to know each of you better, and to hear your stories. I know there are more, so I look forward to the next time.

Sisterly Love,

Royal Blue-T

"With fervert hearts we pray, for you Zeta each day...."