Thursday, October 22, 2009

My dream last night

It has been months since I've updated this blog because it's hard to write without thinking about my dad. But, last night I had an amazing experience that I hope I'll never forget.

Most of my friends and all of my family knows that my dad passed away on 6/27/09 after he lost his earthly battle to cancer. It is the greatest loss that I've ever experienced in my life and there are few that will ever be able to personally measure up to this one.

That being said, I had a dream about him last night. It felt like he was really here with me again. Before he got ill and fragile. I saw my Pops! And, it felt so natural and normal. We were at my grandmother's house. I remember walking inside the sliding glass door with him, and telling him I was cold. My dad never got cold, but I always seemed to be. So, he sat on the couch underneath the window in her family room and told me to come sit next to him and he'd warm me up. And, I sat next to him and curled up in his arms and he just held me. It was a beautiful moment, and I remember being confused, almost in disbelief. I wasn't thinking about him no longer being alive, but I knew that moment was very sweet for some unknown reason. Of course, I was awakened way to quickly that night, and was horrorified to have been wakened up in during such a precious experience.

If you are wondering why I wrote this, it's because it's a dream I hope to never forget. We all believe that there are some special ones that we shouldn't forget, but then it happens.

I hope my Pops visits me more often. He always knew when I needed a hug. I guess he still knows.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I can't believe it's been two months since I added anything. My apologies!! We've been doing so much at once. You know how that thing called "life" goes.

So, it's Tball season and both girls are playing. They're on the same team this year so Kelvin and I have decided to coach them (with their support, of course). Lindsey BEGGED us not to make her play, and she even cried. BUT, after the first practice, she was yelling "Practice MORE". Strange child. She LOVES it. And, she's pretty darn good, too. She can hit the ball but she loves to play defense more than offense. If she could play 1st base for the whole game she would.

Then, there's Erin. She is very strong, fast, and full of energy. We thought for sure she was going to be great. But....but....I don't know what to say. Before we go to the field everyday I ask her, "Erin, what does Mommy want you to do today?", and she says "Not play in the dirt". That's all I ask of her!!

She doesn't want to hit the ball, either. If the ball comes close to her, and she's playing in the dirt, she glances at it quickly and goes back to the dirt. In Tball, EVERYONE gets on base. In the second game (for some reason), she would run from 1st base to right field and stay on the edge of the grass to get to second base. VERY STRANGE! Kelvin was the 1st base coach and would talk to her at 1st base and she'd point to where she was going to run, but when the ball got hit, she'd take off to right field, down the first base line! Ughhhhhhh!!

I think Erin will be better at soccer or basketball! I think we need to sign her up for a game that moves quicker than this one, without all the rules. But, Lindsey has found something she loves as much as swimming and dancing. Finally, a sign that she IS my child.

More later. I'll catch up again soon.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lindsey's 8th birthday sleepover

I know, I know, it's been too long since I've updated this, and I promise to get it all done within the next week to cover February. I'll probably delete this part, and add some information about what has been taking place. Enjoy for now, and more later.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl XLIII in Tampa, Steelers v. Cards

If you know me, you know I love me some Mike Tomlin. Oh yes, Kelvin is still my #1, but Tomlin, Terrence Howard and LL Cool J are my plan B!! :). If you can't tell, it looked like we were at a Steelers home game from the fans. It was at least 10:1 Steelers v. Card fans. EXCELLENT game. More later on the whole experience.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a beautiful day

Can you believe it?! Today made the dream ,we've all imagine, into a reality. I think I'm still almost in disbelief. They played "Hail to the Chief" and it was for President Barack Hussein Obama. A man who was basically created by dust and was molded into a world leader. He is our 44th president of the USA.

Let's get it straight. I've ALWAYS been proud to be an American. Sometimes I wonder how come I am so grateful to be born into this great nation when there are others, who probably have were born with more gifts, talents, and have a higher aptitude but because they were born into famine, war, hopelessness, inadequate housing, education, health care, corruption, or neglected/thrown away by their family they'll never experience 10% of the chances I've been given.

In many parts of the world, a person's destiny is determined as soon as they occupy a womb. Obama proves that anyone can rise above their circumstances to GREATNESS in MY United States of America. That is the most brilliant part of the story to me. And, it really shows the healing that MY country has shown from some of the bruises we experienced, during many periods of growing pains through our history.

I wish I was able to join the 2+ million people who occupied the White House Mall area, but instead I went to work. I was definitely there in spirit! I didn't feel bad about missing it though. My career opportunities are a direct reflection of the same hard work that also allowed Obama to achieve this dream. I value my employer and my employment options in this country. My company has taken such great care of me. Going to work gives me a feeling of achievement similar to the one he experienced when he was voted into his position.

I was grateful, though, the during our meeting when we paused to watch the inauguration live. Even the haters of the group (who I still think are pretty cool people) wanted to see it and understood its impact. We all knew that this was one of those historical events that would be talked about and written about for years to come. Sometimes you don't know when they are going to happen, but when you do, it is such a sweet feeling.

Michelle Obama looked stunning. I am actually usually annoyed by all of the fashion talk that goes on, but I think she is the new Jackie O of fashion in the White House. I think Barack could see her First Lady potential when he met her, and he was 100% right. The girls were so darling.

I saw how she looked at him, overflowing with the pride, admiration and awe. It is the look that only comes from a person who really loves that person's soul. I'm sure it was the look she gave him when they were exchanging vows. And, to see a family that looks more like mine than most of my neighbors as the new Black Family standards, makes me want to sing Hallelujah!!

One of the things that really stood out for me was how orderly people in the crowd seem to be, and the hush that fell upon them when they took the microphone. It's hard to get the attention of 30 at a company event, much less 2+ million people. And, there was no major drama or disruptions. It was about as flawless of an event as you could imagine.

Today sent a powerful message to the world about our future, our hopes, and our dreams. If I had to choose which day was more meaningful to me, I'd still say it was Nov 5, 2008. I'll NEVER forget that day. It was like an out of body experience. I felt like I was levitating. Today, I'm a little more sober, but still have an Obama hangover.

Last night when I was doing Lindsey's hair she asked me to do it in red, white and blue. I was so proud of her, that she GETS IT!! Erin...she's a work in progress, but knows who Obama is and who Bush is (but doesn't know I can't stand that man!!). As far as they know, Bush was our 43rd president.

I won't bother talking about the ceremony. That is well covered and there will be access to that information, worldwide forever. This is just about what I thought and felt.

God Bless America, and we all need to congratulate ourselves.


(Sorry if these are sometimes hard to read. I try to write them right off the top of my head to really capture how I was feeling at that moment.)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

This past week

I finally got into the girls room to clean out their drawers, AND to get their clothes into their new dressers. That's a LOT of work. It took hours to clean up their room.

While I was cleaning and washing clothes, I noticed Lindsey in the kitchen cutting carrots with a butter knife. She asked me to help her and I told her I would in just a moment. But, then she told me never mind, she had it figured out.

Within a couple of minutes, she told me that she was cutting the carrots to make ME the snack for all of my hard work. She mixed the carrots with yogurt in a bowl, and got a bottle of Vitamin Water out for me. It was SO DARN sweet, I couldn't refuse. So, as I'm sitting there eating my snack and telling her how thoughtful she was, then she proceeds to tell me why she didn't need any more help with the carrots. She said she figured out it was easier to use her teeth than a knife and that's how she had cut them all.

You gotta love that!! Did I still eat them?!! Absolutely.

Today we were running around and doing errands in town, and we decided to play the opposite game. So, instead of saying "I'm hungry", you'd say "I am so full, I can't even think of eating" or "I can't stand this sunny January weather we're having" (it has been record breaking temps lately, in the high 60's and one day we even hit 70 recently). While in one of the stores, I bumped in Lindsey accidentally, and I said to her, "I'm not sorry" and then she said, "I don't forgive you". It was super funny. I needed Lindsey to pick something up for me, so I told her "Don't you dare touch that" and of course she picked it up. I guess a lady has casually been observing us, and she said, "It's really hard to shop with your kids, isn't it?". I then realized that we needed a new rule that the opposite game didn't apply when we were talking to other people. :)

God Bless,
The Sac Jacksons

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Big Man!!

So, today is my husband's birthday! I can't understand why he keeps getting older and I keep getting younger!!

While our niece Kiki was her for a visit, the girls created this video for him which I showed him today. Notice that Lindsey and Erin are both wearing purple because they know that's his favorite color. He absolutely loved it!!

I have to admit that my husband has been pretty darn awesome! I had to go on a business trip for the last 4 days and he didn't complain at all. As a matter of fact, he completed some projects that I thought I'd have to do while I was gone and he took care of the kids, too, since they were still off of school. Plus, he puts up with all of my crazies that I go through and still laughs at my jokes.

Happy Birthday Big Man. We all love you.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Today is a good day!! Happy New Year

So, I have intentionally excluded this information from my blog to protect my father's privacy, but I'd like to give God some glory right now!!

My dad is home from the hospital!! I won't go into the details, but he had a serious condition that required two surgeries, but he was released on Sunday morning.

Now, I'm on my way back to work (sort of). I am heading out of town for a business related trip.

Thanks to all of you who have been praying for my family, but please don't stop! God Bless, Tracy & family

Now Ain't God Good?