Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What a week!!

There was Christmas, my niece came for a visit, I have been battling a cold, I saw my nephew Jordan after about 2 years, and.... isn't that enough. I can't seem to stay off the road, going to/from SF, but at least I haven't been on a plane in a while. But, the good news in all of this is that my family is all doing well, I'm feeling better AND my boss just told me that he's sending me and Kelvin to the Superbowl again in January!! I got to go for the first time in 2007 in Miami, compliments of my boss, too. That was crazy. I'll add photos and details about that trip later.

This couldn't have come at a better time. I just need a break, to hang out with my honey and have some fun while not worrying about the weight of the world. Well, worry might be too heavy of a word, but I do try to handle/manage all of it to the best of my ability. But, God has been so very good to me, I have no complaints.

Right now, I am just so thankful for so many things mostly, that this year is coming to an end. Rarely ever will I admit to being stressed, but I think I said it twice this year!!! But, overall, it was GREAT!

In 2008 we've been blessed with more new additions to the family than we lost, I am still employed with a fabulous company and was even promoted again this year through the worst economy that I've ever lived through, I am married to a man who still can give me butterflies, I couldn't imagine any better kids than we have, I love where I live, I have fantastic in-laws, our best friends have moved around the corner, we have our health, all types of comforts, and Bush is leaving office! God has really been good to me, and I don't want to take any of it for granate.

I am filled with joy! I don't know what else to say. God Bless, Tracy

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jadon, born 12/13/08 at 9:49pm 7 lbs, 20 in

Here is a picture of my beautiful new godson, Jadon. If I wasn't so tired, I'd go into how beautiful and excellent he is, but I really wanted to record this as quickly as possible. To be cont'd

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Christmas

Hey there family and friends. Let’s see…what’s going on with us now.

Right now we are into corny ‘butt’ jokes. At first Lindsey thought she was too sophisticated for such a thing, but she has embraced ‘the butt’ and we all get a kick out of it.

For instance, Erin will ask, “Mommy, how do you spell elephant?”. Me: “B-U-T-T”. Erin: “That spells butt” or “Stop spelling butt” or “You are always spelling butt”. It’s hilarious. Here’s another for you.

Me: “Knock, Knock”
Lindsey: “Who’s there?”
Me: “Bee”
Lindsey: “Bee who?”
Me: “B-U-T-T”
Both girls: “That spells butt! Stop spelling butt!!”

On our way to school, Erin and Lindsey do math and spelling with me in the car. Of course, I have to include ‘butt’. For example, this morning Erin had to spell this sentence “The sun was hot today on my butt”. Butt makes everything better!

As you can see, we got our family photos back recently. We normally get them done the day before Thanksgiving and they get them back to us pretty quickly. We were happy to have Joseph with us that day, and couldn’t resist sticking him in some of them.

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our godson, Jadon. He’s expected to arrive on 12/19 via c-section. Now that the Kizers have moved around the corner from us, we get to see them even more!!! We couldn't be happier about their move. So, Joe Joe will be with us for at least a night, then Kiki will be with us for the holidays.

As for my son, Pietro, I still miss him almost as much as the day he left. We all do. I’m not sure how he did it, but he’s a permanent part of me now. We still talk all the time, but I long for the day of the smell of his feet. His picture is still on the wall, and he’s in all of our hearts.

Let me not forget my other nieces and nephews. Unfortunately, I just don't get to see them as much as I do others. I love them all dearly, as well as the rest of my family. I just wish they lived closer!

Please feel free to send us an update on you and your family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years. Please keep us in prayer, and we'll do the same for you all. God Bless, The Sac Jacksons

And, remember, Jesus is the reason for the season. To read about His birth, go to Luke 2:6-20.

Luke 2:11 (NIV) "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord."

More Jackson Christmas 2008 photos

Here are a few more. Enjoy

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Erin update

Well, she has definitely progressed since I last wrote this. She has her good days and bad. One day I came home and saw her on the staircase by herself. I said, "Erin, you're doing really good." She said, "Mommy, I'm not scared. I decided not to make the devil happy."

This comes from her daddy telling her that she should pray whenever she feels scared. I reminder her of this, when she and I were in the car one day and she said she sometimes forgets. Then, I told her that God didn't give us fear, but he gave us power, love and other things, so God is not happy when she is scared. And, it makes the devil happy. I can't believe she got it!!!!

She regresses at times, but no longer shakes and cries. She'll wimper a little here and there, and whine, but not the shaking and the rest of the drama. She also likes to go around the house and look in all of the scary places with me. That used to help my anxiety when I was a kid. She hasn't mentioned the 'finger' thing again since that day that I wrote last. So, who knows what will ultimately work.

Have a great day, and God Bless. Tracy