Monday, May 9, 2011

My Mother's Day Gifts

I hadn't realized until TODAY that it was almost a year ago since I posted anything onto my site.

I had a most wonderful Mothers' Day weekend. Quite frankly, it is still a little awkward to think of myself as someone who should be celebrated for just doing something I enjoy. I am honored to be the mother of my beautiful daughters and love every moment of their lives.

My darling husband set up a massage at my favorite local spa for me and took the kids all day on Saturday so that I could relax. That was fabulous. The next day was breakfast in bed and showered with affection from the family.

My middle daughter, Lindsey, made me a wall decor item that said I love you. The funniest parts was that she wrapped it and wrote "From Cereal" on the wrapping. I said, "What??!". She said, "That's because you call me Super Sugar Crisp sometimes". Me: ROFL!! I do! I call her all types of Sugar names.

She made a wall decor item (?) that said I love you on it. On the back, she wrote the cutest little poem. It said:

Dear Mom,
My dad is tall,
My shoe size isn't small,
But none of that matters,
Because you are the best mom of all!
Happy Mother's Day

Love, Lindsey (a.k.a Sugar Bear)

Love that!!

Erin made me a card that you fold out that said "Mom, my love for you grows (then you fold it out), and grows (then you fold it out more), and grows". It was pink with a beautiful long stemmed flower that seemed to grow as you folded it out. She also colored a couple of beautiful pictures for me.

My oldest daughter wrote me the most amazing poem and drew me a beautiful water color picture. She is showing to be incredibly gifted in these arts.

Here's the poem she wrote:

8 May 2011

I will....
Dear Mom
Love is patient
Love is kind
and I know your
love is genuine.

I know,
things break
your heart,
you give them
a fresh start.

I know sometimes
your heart and mind
remembert it (sp) not
your fault.
People must make
their own mistakes.

Mommy you do
a great job with
everything because
you have a pure heart.

Being around you
is like being around
a ball
of light, because
you radiate and
infect everyone
with positive
attitudes and
a gigantic smile.

I will always
remember your
encouraging words.
I will remember
your smile that
lights up a room.
And I will never
forget the high
expectation you
require for us
to do our best
in life because
you care.

Love Always,
Ky J

Is there anything better than this? I doubt it. Happy Mothers' Day to all the beautiful women who gave birth AND nurtured a child to achieve the most out of the world that God has blessed us with.

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